Monday, August 16, 2010

29 Things

Today is my 29th birthday! Craziness. I decided it would be a good time to start blogging again. My Mom used to write these verses on everything she wrote to my brother and myself, "Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD by ceasing to pray for you, and I will instruct you in the good and the right way. Only fear the LORD and serve Him faithfully with all your heart, for consider what great things He has done for you." (1 Samuel 12:23-24)

So, today, I am stopping to consider and because I like numbers, here are my 29 things (in no particular order.)

  1. A job that gives me the opportunity to work with and serve people.  I love it and look forward to work each day.
  2. My little brother who has been so annoying and so wonderful in my life. I love you Jimbo and my heart is truly grateful for you.
  3. Lessons learned from my Mom and Dad.  The more I reflect, the more I see things that they taught me with their words and actions. The Word of God is powerful to me, because their lives reflected their belief in the powerful Word!
  4. Aunts who have been like extra Moms to me throughout my life and even more so now. Y'all have invested in me in incredible ways. You are my Philippians 1:3 people.
  5. Things that I have needed that God has given me through other people.  I have prayed for many material items and God has provided.  This is a good reminder that what I have is not mine, but all belongs to Him. He graciously provides His children with good things! 
  6. Music that speaks truth to my heart even when it is convicting.  I have been introduced to a whole lot of new things lately! I am grateful for that! 
  7. My church family.  You have truly been my family for the past 8 years.  My time in Memphis would not have been near as wonderful without you.
  8. A best friend, Amanda, who shares in my joys, sorrows, and everyday life. My heart is attached to yours. You are truly a blessing from the Lord! 
  9. No matter how old I get, I am grateful that God has blessed me with Darryl, the older brother. Every girl needs a guy who has their back, can beat up the bullies, give you a hard time, and love you just the same.  You rock my big bro, through the good times and bad! Thanks for being a constant in my life.
  10. The guys I work with, you make fun of me, you challenge me with theology, and so much more.  I love the opportunity I have to serve Jesus with you.
  11. Coffee. Enough said.
  12. My roomie, Teri, you have been such a faithful friend and I feel like life has taken us some crazy places.  Because of you, I have laughed a ton, tried to do pushups, and so many other crazy things! I am grateful God has brought us together once again and for your sweet friendship.
  13. 3 Kids who call me Aunt Sha (or Shawna).  When everything else in life is crazy, you are a sweet reminder that being a kid is fun and something we should all enjoy from time to time.  Y'all make me smile.
  14. My roomie, Darlene! I know it took forever for me to say ok, we can be roomies! How you have blessed my life! I love our crazy "intentional" conversations.  Your love for people and your sweet Spanish skills inspire me! 
  15. For the joy of having a Godly Mom for the first 27 years of my life.  She was my best friend, mentor, confidant, and so much more. My heart is forever knit with hers.  I still thank God for her impact in my life. My heart misses her everyday, especially on the special days!
  16. Peanuts comics. They have made me laugh for many years. Lucy will always be my favorite. She makes me smile, "That'll be 5 cents please."
  17. My adopted Silas family. You love me like I belonged to you. I appreciate you more than words could ever express. I'm happy being Shawntrice to y'all! 
  18. The opportunity to serve Jesus overseas on some incredible Mission Trips.  My life has been impacted forever because of what I have seen and experienced.  I pray I never get over how my life has been blessed, not just because I live in America, but I have the joy of having a relationship with Jesus. 
  19. My Dad. Yes, he is my hero and example. I want to love Jesus as much as He does. He has me taught so much. My heart is overwhelmed. I am happy to be his "little girl."  (some petnames never go away.)
  20. My iPhone. No, it is not idolatry, but only righteous love for this wonderful technology.  It also makes me life more organized. This is a very good thing.
  21. My sister-in-law, Becky. Thank you for loving an annoying middle schooler. I'm glad I outgrew those "awkward years" and we can now be friends. My brother, niece, and nephews are blessed to have you!
  22. Salvation. I am still grasping the magnitude of this gift! 
  23. A precious person in my life named Kimberly. You are my favorite for so many reasons. I have loved you for 7 years. Thanks for hanging with an "old person." 
  24. A Godly heritage passed on from my Grandparents and Parents. I pray I never get over this blessing. 
  25. The opportunity to meet with Student Ministry Girls and just talk about Jesus. I get so excited about you learning and when I see what you are learning put into practice in your life. Continually amazed at God's work in you.
  26. My ESV study Bible. The Word of God is living and powerful in my life. I am so grateful!
  27. I have had the opportunity to work with Life Choices as a volunteer. It has been a bigger blessing to me than I could ever contribute. Thank you for encouraging ladies to choose life for their unborn babies.
  28. A certain guy who has captured my heart! I am so grateful to God for you!
  29. My adopted church "nieces and nephews."  Each week you bring a smile to my face as I enjoy your sweet hugs and crazy questions.  I get excited that you already know so much about Jesus and have Godly moms and dads who desire for you to know truth! Amazing kiddos you will grow up to be!
There could be so many more! So excited God has blessed with 29 years and cannot wait to see what He has planned! His ways are so much higher than mine!