Thursday, September 29, 2011

Unfailing Love

I have been a blog slacker... Please forgive me. Sometimes life is busy and a bit tiring.
I'm still reading through the book Whiter than Snow by Paul David Tripp.

This is Meditation 17 entitled Unfailing Love

For You would not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it; You will not be pleased with a burnt offering. -Psalm 51:16

I wish I would live with You in view;
Eyes to Your glory
Ears for Your wisdom
Heart for Your grace.
But I live with me in view.
Eyes to my kingdom
Ears to my opinion
Heart captured by my will.
I know I was made for You,
I know that Hope
My agenda for every day,
Is to be found in You.
But I want my own kingdom
I love my own glory
I define my own meaning
I delight in my control.
I know You are not fooled
By my burnt offerings.
There's a war that never ends;
The battleground is my heart.
It's a moral skirmish
Between what You have ordained
And what I want.
So I don't find pleasure in Your glory,
I don't delight in Your law.
But my heart doesn't rest;
I know there's a better way.
I know You are God
And I am not.
My sin is more than
Bad behavior
A bad choice
Wrong words.
My sin is a violation of the relationship
That I was meant to have with You.
My sin is an act
Where I replace You
With something I love more.
Every wrong thing I do
A lack of love for You,
A love of self.
Help me
To see
To acknowledge
To weep
And say,
"Against You, You only have I sinned
And done what is evil in Your sight."
And then help me to rest
In Your mercy
In Your tender mercy
In Your faithful love,
Even as the war goes on.

-Paul David Tripp, Whiter Than Snow, pp. 59-60

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Romans 7.

Taking a break for a minute to share with you something I read last night. I am using the book Whiter Than Snow - Meditations on Sin and Mercy by Paul David Tripp for discipleship. This has definitely been one of those books that have bothered me with some conviction. My two favorite things about this book are: the close look at Psalm 51 and a presentation of the right view of God along with the right view of man. I have a tendency to think of myself better than I really am and bring God down to my level. I desire to have a right view of Him and His holiness.

Anyway, Paul David Tripp has 52 "meditations" in the book. Each meditation is a little different style. Some are stories along with the Scripture. Others are almost like poetry, this is one of those. 

Meditation 11 - Romans 7
Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin! -Psalm 51:2

"I am a mass of contradictions; I don't want to be but I am.
I preach a gospel of peace, but my life isn't always driven by peace. 
I talk about Jesus who alone can fully satisfy the soul, but I am often not satisfied.
I celebrate a theology of amazing grace, but I often react in ungrace. 
And if I rest in God's control, why do I seek it for myself?
Even in moments when I think I am prepared, I end up doing what I didn't want to do.
Wrong talk
Are not the fruit of the new life, are not the way of grace.
So there is this law operating inside of me.
When I step out with a desire to do good, evil follows me wherever I go.
There is this war that rages inside of me, between a desire to do good and sin that is anything but good.
There are times when I feel like a prisoner, held against my will.
I didn't plan to be mad in the grocery store, but that guy made me mad.
I didn't plan to be discontent, but it just enveloped me in the quietness of the car. 
That discussion wasn't supposed to degenerate into an argument, but it did.
I'm thankful for God's grace, but there is daily evidence that I'm still in need of help.
That battle inside me cannot be solved by
Helpful hints
I have been humbled by a war I cannot win.
I have been grieved by desires I cannot conquer.
I have been confronted by actions I cannot excuse.
And I have come to confess that what I really need is resuce.
So, have mercy on me, O God,
According to Your unfailing love
According to Your great compassion
Blot out my transgressions
Wash away all my iniquity
And cleanse me from my sin.
For I know my transgressions
And my sin is always before me.
I embrace the rescue that could only be found in You.
Thanks be to God--through Jesus Christ our Lord!"

-Whiter Than Snow: Meditations on Sin and Mercy, Paul David Tripp, pp. 43-44

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

30 for 31. God's Word.

 I haven't forgotten that I stopped last week with 29. I did turn 30 and not 29, but I promised 31, so on I go...

His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory and excellence, 2 Peter 1:3.

I believe the truth of this verse, even when my actions fail to reflect my belief. God's work through His Word draws one to salvation. His divine power grants this beautiful salvation. He does not stop at salvation, but this verse offers the promise that He gives all things needed for life and godliness. Where does all things needed come from? A deep, intimate relationship with Him, which we find through His Word.

I fail so often to realize that God's Word is enough. Our society tries to teach independence. There is nothing wrong with learning to do things and do well, but by nature God made us dependent. A created being produces a dependent being. How easy it is to depend on other things, but the Word of God! Our independent Creator gave His dependent beings exactly what we need for life and godliness through His Word. Even though I often forget that God's Word is enough, it does not change the Word. Every time I come to it, I can clearly see how God's Word is "profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Want to get a better understanding of how good the Word of God truly is? Take a look at the short chapter of Psalm 19 or spend some time in Psalm 119.

I think I spent the last 10 years (or so) of life realizing the truth of 2 Peter 1:3.  My desire would be to spend my next 10+ years of life putting this truth into practice.