Last day from this book. I am a little bummed to be finished, but also happy to have completed something. I may give a review/reflections from the book sometime soon. On with today.
The Tree of Life
He said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?" - Genesis 3:11
Today's reading begins in Genesis 3. Even if you are familiar with the story, go there and read it again. These verse often prompt different emotions. If Adam and Eve had not sinned, we would still be in perfect communion in the Garden with God. If Adam and Eve had just been satisfied with the many blessing of the Lord, we would not have to deal with the evil and sin in our world. It is pretty easy to play the "what if" game with Adam and Eve, but what if is not the truth or reality. The reality is that Adam and Eve sinned, death entered the world, paradise was lost.
"On this side of the fall, we cannot possibly imagine what was lost on that day. To have been perfectly cared for and perfect protected and to enjoy unhindered communion with one another and with their Creator is a life we cannot possibly comprehend." God had to punish their sin, their disobedience. He killed an animal, made them clothing from the animal skins and sent the out of the garden. "Go out now, covered in the blood of another. You deserve to die; you deserve to be shamed, but I have covered you." Verses 14-19 show God's curse because of sin. We see one glimpse of hope for the future in verse 15, "Her offspring shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel." From this verse, prophecy of hope - a Messiah who would come and defeat Satan.
Much later, a child was born. "Adam had been clothed with skins; now, the Son of God was clothed in Adam's flesh." Amazing that He would live on this earth for years, and yet not fall to the deception and temptation of Satan (example in Matthew 4), but would indeed be the Only One worthy to provide redemption. He came to reverse the curse that sin had brought. "We are all the same. We have plucked fruit from the forbidden tree. We have declared that we know best, that we can take care of ourselves." Just like Adam and Eve, we need to be covered in the blood of another. "The God-man has been slain. The Lamb's blood has been spilt, and it covers us. Our rags have been replaced with His robes. The garden has been reopened; we've been invited back in, "Here, eat of this, it will give you life."
Today, I rejoice in the Lamb that was given to reverse the curse of sin and death. The words of John 14:6 will forever ring true, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through Me." He is the Life and because He is, we have life. May you rest in Him and His life-giving work today.
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