God blessed me with a church friend in the nursery who continues to be my friend today! Kimberly and I met somewhere in our first couple months of life. As we grew up, we had the best slumber parties at her house and watched the movie, "It's a Mad, Mad World" more times than we could count. Her parents and my parents were very close friends, so Kim and I had many opportunities to hang out. We have great memories and can look back as having survived the "Independent Baptist years" together. She turned 30 a few months ago and it was my joy to be able to celebrate with her, even if she wasn't crazy about the surprise party!
Although I did not meet her when I was a baby, Misty became my friend somewhere in elementary school. I think we disliked each other than becomes friends, then disliked each other again and then... Well, we were girls and you know how the friendship cycle goes. I still enjoy getting to hang out with her. We share a mutual love for El Acapulco in Jonesboro and will always laugh when we think about the fact that, "It's not a party unless there is cheese dip." (Good words of wisdom.)

My old friends circle is complete with Amanda and Eric. They go together. I was their friend first and got shafted when they decided to date one another and eventually get married. A fantastic reason to get shafted! I'm not exactly sure when we became friends, well I kinda remember, but who needs to hear that. :) They've been around for a lot of stuff. I have had the joy of sharing life, church, and so much more with them. They have real good theology, so we get along well. Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. (Proverbs 27:17) Their friendship is something that I truly treasure in my life.
When my mom passed away each one of these old friends showed up. It overwhelmed my heart and made me even more grateful to them. They are a gift from God. I am reminded that He gives all good things, including friendships! Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. (James 1:17)
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