Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Alrighty! Well, it is the eve of my 25th birthday and currently I am pondering, why in the world do I still get zits? I mean God and time are revealing to me that I am growing up, but exactly when will I grow out of getting these horrible disgusting pimples? Yuck, well, anyway! :)

On to better things, like 25 years! Wow, what was God thinking to bless my life with 25 crazy years? I have already been given some great gifts and had the opportunity to spend some time with some of my favorite people. This past weekend, it was all about my immediate family in Jonesboro. I got to hang out with Mom and Dad, but mostly Jim. He is a crazy kid, and will forever be one of my favorite people in the world. By the end of the weekend, we had a list of "only in Arkansas" jokes. He is so much fun! I'm so thankful for him. Hopefully, he will not keep the birthday tradition and call at 12:05 a.m. Jim calls as early as possible and Darryl, my older brother, will probably call around 11:00 p.m. Oh, they are great!

I wish I could reflect on 25 years, but my mind is tired. I leave with this thought. I am reminded of I John 3:1, "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God..." How awesome! The Father's love is more than enough and by accepting it, we receive the title 'Children of God!' How exciting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girl...I just turned 30 and STILL have this same conundrum! Here's hoping I'm not applying wrinkle cream and zit cream at the same time! lol

Hope year #25 is good. It was a good year for me...I'm hoping the same for you!