Thursday, October 04, 2012


This is actually a post I wrote a few months ago. Not sure why I didn't post it then.

Sometimes you encounter a person and realize that their story is your story or vice versa, I guess. Today was one of those days for me. Our stories are not exactly alike, but we can definitely relate. Dealing with a loved one with cancer seems to be the thing that we share so deeply in common. However, as I am reminded of the ugliness of cancer, I remember the greater story. It is because of sin that we face disease, suffer, hurt, experience pain, and helplessness. You know what else? Cancer makes the Gospel so much sweeter. Because of cancer, I realize that I cannot save myself or those I love. I cannot make it on my own or fix what seems to be wrong in my life. God knew long before I ever came on the scene that cancer would affect my life. He knew the same for my friend. He also knew that He would not leave us helpless. I was thinking how when Jesus came to earth we saw different characteristics from Him that help us face these tough roads with hope. He showed compassion. He showed grace in suffering. We see the glory of God displayed in His death. He is the example when times are tough. He is also my only Hope.

"But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord GOD my refuge, that I may tell of all Your works." -Psalm 73:28

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