Friday, January 14, 2011

Comforts from the Cross - Day 6

Silencing the Accuser

And I head a loud voice in heaven, saying, "Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God." -Revelation 12:10

"If you belong to Jesus today, your enemy, Satan has two goals: to remind you of your sin and to accuse you continually before God. Satan takes perverse pleasure in reminding you over and over again of your failures." Day 6 begins with these though provoking words.  Is it wrong to examine our lives for sin or ask God to reveal areas where we need to repent? Definitely not.  Those things are great and should be a part of every believers life, but Satan doesn't care or even want the Holy Spirit working in the life of the believer.  Satan's desire is for our self-condemnation, which is completely different than conviction of sin.  Elyse writes this, "He subtly, yet relentlessly reminds me of my sin, but it's not his work alone. He's working in tandem with my proud heart, a heart that wants to be free of my consciousness of sin and need for a Savior." How often am I guilty of condemning myself, and then trying to fix my sin on my own.

Conviction of sin draws me to repentance, reminds me that I have offended my King, and also grants grace that my sins are once and always forgiven. Paul's words in Romans 8:1 affirms this truth, "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Self-condemnation draws me to look at myself and when that happens Jesus is no longer preeminent and the focus is a "shattered image of myself." This is when we remember the truth of Revelation 12:11, "They have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb..." How do we silence the accuser? Not by following the law or attempting to be a good person, but because of the blood of the Lamb that was slain for sin.  This is the truth that we set our heart on and where our hope is found. This is the truth that to live out radical lives devoted only to our Savior!

Today, I rejoice that guilt and shame of sin has been once and for all forgiven because of the Lamb that was slain. Elyse concludes with this exhortation, "Be careful not to get these steps out of order in your walk today: forgiveness and full assurance of your Savior's love and grace come first, then comes the pursuit of Godliness." Are you resting in the forgiveness and assurance that comes from the Savior? He is the One who silences the accuser, and because of His work, we are free to pursue and live a life of Godliness.

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